Paper submission

China University of Political Science and Law Library Master's thesis submission method

According to the requirements of the school and related regulations, the library is responsible for collecting the graduation thesis of the master students of our school.

Substitute form and number of books submitted

The paper carrier includes paper version and electronic version. The thesis submitted must be the formal thesis after the defense passed. Three paper dissertations were submitted by doctoral students and full-time master's students, and two were submitted by part-time master's students. Electronic dissertation should be submitted in PDF format.

Submitting procedures and requirements

1 The electronic version of the dissertation is submitted through the library website, and after receiving the “received approval” receipt, the paper can be submitted to the paper version of the dissertation and the graduation procedure.

2 When going through the procedures of leaving the school, the paper version of the dissertation should be handled at the special resources and service center, room 208, on the second floor of the scientific research building, xueyuan road campus.

3 If the content of the thesis involves confidentiality, the thesis shall be submitted to the library with the approval certificate issued by the graduate school, and the dissertation confidentiality application form (appendix 1) shall be filled in, confirmed and signed by the tutor, sealed by the college, and handed in to the library when leaving the school. The library will restrict access to the electronic version of the confidential paper and will exempt the submission of the paper.

Attachment: Electronic version of the dissertation submission method and description

1 Submit an electronic version of the paper through the websitehttp://

2 After submitting the paper, please log in to the paper submission website within 3 working days, click “Submission” on the homepage, enter the system from “User Login”, and view and print it under the receipt of the navigation bar; if the paper submission fails to pass the review, Unable to print the return receipt, check the reasons for not passing the review, and resubmit the electronic version of the paper in time as prompted.

3 The graduates of the master's degree should submit the full text of the official electronic version of the paper. The cover of the paper, the authorization page for the paper, the abstract, the catalogue, the text, and the reference documents should be submitted in a PDF file.

4 The paper use authorization page must be submitted separately, signed by the person and scanned into a PDF file and uploaded at the submission authorization file.

5 For students who do not submit papers in accordance with the above procedures, the library will not go through the formalities of leaving school according to the decision of the school.

Tip:Due to the short time specified by the school for graduation and departure procedures, the number of students is large and the waiting time for review is long.Graduates in the electronic paper, please submit after approved, carrying "paper receipts" (either phone screenshots or print edition), and a "single" graduates leave school formalities to xueyuan road campus research activities building, room 208 on the second floor underground characteristic resources and service center the leave school formalities (stamp), a "paper receipts" graduates need not line up audit, affix one's seal directly and save time to handle registration procedures.In addition, due to the tight space in the library, graduates should submit their electronic papers through the campus network as much as possible to save time on site.

Copyright: Library of China University Of Political Science And Law