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Author:    Date:2019-10-31    ClickTimes:

Cnki is a collection of information resources developed by Tsinghua university and Tsinghua tongfang. Our library has purchased the following databases:

  1. "China Academic Journals Network Publishing General Library" is currently the world's largest continuously updated Chinese journal full-text database, accumulating more than 6 million full-text documents, more than 15 million titles, divided into nine albums, 126 special literature databases. It covers the full text of 6600 core and professional Chinese and English journals in China, and the period of collection is from 1994 to the present. Our library purchased: Basic Science A (Mathematics and Physics, Tiandisheng), Philosophy and Humanities, Social Science I, Social Science II, Information Technology, Economics and Management Science. The database has more than ten search entries such as article title, classification, keywords, abstract, author, organization, citation, fund, etc. The search results can be downloaded and saved.

  2. "China's doctoral thesis full-text database", our library purchased the philosophy and humanities, social science I, social science II, information technology, economic and management science album.

  3. "China's excellent master's thesis full-text database", our library purchased the philosophy and humanities, social science I, social science II, information technology, economic and management science album.

  4. "China's important newspaper full-text database." Philosophy and Humanities, Social Sciences I, Social Science II, Economics and Management Science.

  5. "China's important conference papers full-text database." Philosophy and Humanities, Social Sciences I, Social Science II, Economics and Management Science.

    The above database is purchased in the form of a package library. You should download the full-text browser before you can use it to read the full text. Readers can query and use these databases on any computer in the campus network.


    (account: xa0017 password :zgzfdx )

    Enter the database description:

    If the user of the campus network IP address is browsing the "China Knowledge Network" full-text database for the first time, you must download and install the dedicated Caj full-text browser software.

    Download and install Caj full-text browser software:

  6. Download Caj full text browser software.

  7. Input address: http://www.cnki.net into its home page;

  8. To read the full text, click on the CajViewer 6.0 "Full-Text Browser" icon at the bottom left.

  9. Select "Save to disk" c:, click [OK];

  10. Follow the prompts to complete each step until the download is complete. The default file name is CAJViewer6.0_OCR.

  11. Install CAJViewer6.0_OCR steps:After downloading the cajviewer6.0_ocr file, click "open" and click "I Agree", and then follow the prompts to perform each step until the end of installation to generate the CAJ file browser program group.

    Full text search of cnki

  1. On the homepage of cnki, select China journal full text database, China doctoral thesis full text database and China important newspapers full text database on the homepage and enter the user name: xa0017 and password: zgzfdx on the user login interface. Click on the online package library user.

  2. After "login" enters the search interface, you can browse or retrieve by subject.

  3. Browse by subject:

    All journals are divided into 9 albums by subject, and each album is divided into three categories. Under the third category, specific articles can be seen by subject. For example, in the 1999 "Electronic Science and Information Technology" album, you can see 7 first-level categories; click on "Library Information", there are 5 secondary categories; click on "Information Science, Intelligence Work", there are 3 three Level category; click on the "intelligence work" to get 4084 documents. This kind of browsing method allows the user to query all the documents of a certain subject, and the level is clear and convenient.

  4. Search method:

    Including the full text, title, author, organization, keywords, abstracts, citations, titles, ISSN, year, period, fund 12 search channels. Keyword search refers to the search of keywords or subject parts in the paper, which is different from full-text search; citation search is the retrieval of references after the article; title search allows users to browse all the documents of a journal.

    Secondary search: After the first search, the search box of the secondary search can be found under the search result, and the second search is performed to make the result more accurate. The secondary search also includes special search and combined search, the method is the same as above.

    If the database denies access, the user checks whether the "user name", "password" are entered incorrectly or the password has changed. If the password changes, we will post this information on the library homepage.


    Q Q:3165658381


    Information Education and Counseling Department

    Copyright: Library of China University Of Political Science And Law